Computer MOT takes advantage of the excellent tools that are out their (Spybot and CCleaner) and of many of the built in Windows tools. Computer MOT will do everything that the experts do automatically. All you need to do is run it and leave it. The tasks performed are Spyware/Adware scan (Spybot), Removal of unnecessary file (CCleaner), defragments file system (Windows Defragmenter), checks file system for errors (Windows CheckDisk), fixes Internet Explorer problems by refreshing all its components, enables Windows Update in the event it has been disabled and defragments additional system files in Windows XP that aren't normally defragmented (PageDefrag). On top of this, stay up to date with the latest Computer MOT with an inbuilt online update feature (checks for new version when run). Using the Computer MOT every six months will aid in preventing problems occurring. This has been the case in many corporate IT environments and has reduced the number of helpdesk calls considerably. If after using this software you are still experiencing problems, then it indicates there is a bit more of a problem, perhaps due to a virus or hard disk damage). In either case, the majority of these problems can be fixed without the need of a reformat or replacement disk.
What is new in this release:
Version 1.4 includes the following enhancements:
- Fixes a problems with enabling Windows Updates on a computer with a particular problem.
- Defragmentation of Windows XP important system files have been added (PageDefrag) to add an extra level of repair and speed improvement.
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